Pia aiDesk Achieves Global Trusted Application Status with ThreatLocker 

Enhance security with ThreatLocker and boost efficiency with Pia Automation.

Sydney, Australia – February 14, 2023 — Pia aiDesk, an automated ticket resolution solution for managed services providers (MSPs), has become a trusted application of ThreatLocker, which provides organizations with the ability to protect their IT operations with a Zero Trust approach to cybersecurity. This achievement signifies another milestone in Pia’s ongoing commitment to maintaining a security-first culture for all its stakeholders, including employees, customers, and vendors. 

“From the onset, partner, and client security has been paramount for Pia,” said Nic Ferraro, COO of Pia. “Being born out of an MSP, we understand the importance of having the most robust security controls in place, not only as a form of best-in-class controls but also to provide peace of mind to anyone operating within our extended environment. Being recognized by ThreatLocker is just another way that we have proven how vital security is to us. We continue to work with ThreatLocker, and the best security vendors to ensure we are up to date with industry standards.”  

What does Pia aiDesk being one of ThreatLocker’s approved applications mean for MSPs?

ThreatLocker uses
allowlisting to mitigate risk and eliminate guesswork for MSPs when assessing applications. The ThreatLocker solution will deny any unknown software from executing, such as ransomware and general applications, by default; however, it will also block application updates. 

  • ThreatLocker eliminates this problem by having a predefined list of trusted applications, which Pia aiDesk is now on. 
  • In other words, if an MSP has a policy for Pia aiDesk, ThreatLocker will automatically update the policy when new updates are released. 

How this milestone contributes to Pia’s continued investments in security

“In record time, we achieved ISO 27001, GDPR, SOC2, and HIPPA accreditation, sparing no expense in ensuring we aligned to internationally recognized and proven standards,” Ferraro said. “Our partners put their trust in us as their clients do in them, and we take that seriously. We intend to uphold the most stringent standards today, and as we move into the future, create an open dialogue with our peers on how we can continue to excel in keeping out bad actors.” 

The company’s security program aligns with the criteria set forth by the following frameworks: SOC 2, ISO27001, and GDPR. Additionally, Pia undergoes independent third-party assessments to test its security and compliance controls; performs an independent third-party penetration at least annually to ensure that the security posture of our services is uncompromised; and requires employees to go through security awareness training covering industry standard practices and information security topics, such as phishing and password management. Other components of Pia’s security commitments include cloud security, access security, and vendor and risk management.  

“Pia understands that cybersecurity is the biggest challenge that MSPs face in a modern digital world,” said Terry Irons, CIO and CISO of Pia. “From its inception, Pia has placed security at the top of its priorities. This is evident from the top to bottom of the organization. For instance, we have a dedicated CISO role in the exec team, cyber specialists in both the development and operations teams, and invested heavily to achieve industry-recognized security accreditations to ensure that security and privacy are always front of mind across the entire organization. All these measures demonstrate Pia’s ongoing commitment to protecting the security of our partners’ businesses.” 

About Pia

Pia is a true automation platform that integrates with existing IT service management tools to simplify processes, free up resources, and improve operational efficiencies for managed services providers (MSPs). The intelligent automation platform analyzes, routes,s and actions repetitive tasks with ease, such as user creation, password or virtual private network (VPN) resets, domain name system (DNS) flushing, and active administration changes. Pia combines hyperautomation technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, robotic process automation, and the Pia Chatbot. The solution enables MSPs to reduce business costs, improve client service time, increase employee satisfaction, and deliver consistent service. Pia is also ISO 27001, GDPR, and SOC 2 accredited.


Media contact

Christopher Joseph (CJ) Arlotta  
CJ Media Solutions, LLC for Pia  
C: 631-572-3019  

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