
Yes, it can be dragged and dropped to move the Pod around in the window.

This is an additional configuration which is turned on after go-live and requires configuration by the Partner.

The packages will ask you for a user and then run a query to find the devices with the Pia agent installed which the user has recently logged into.

This feature is in development for the triage function.

Success Metrics

  • Status change
  • Time entries

The reporting is based on tickets where Pia automations were run and Pia automatons themselves.

Pia can set the TSI automatically as part of the triage function.

Please define consistency. If this is in relation to improved service consistency from the use of Pia, metrics such as ticket repoens etc

Pia has advantages here as it removes the need to understand or have knowledge of clients environments. This means you can resolve tickets without needing to consult other staff or knowledge base articles. It also reduces the risk and impact of losing knowledge from key resource regarding any client.


It is already part of the terminate user package to do this.

Agreement management is in development. It will provide automatic alignment of agreement SKUs.

We are currently working with Threatlocker to whitelist Pia as a globally trusted application. In them meantime we can provide guidance on how to whitelist Pia.

Book a Demo

To learn more about Pia, organise a product demo, get in touch with the Pia team